From my reading and contacts, I'm aware of four distinct efforts underway for Communications-related relief for the tsunami-impacted areas of Southern Asia.
#1 - Post-Tsunami Reconnect
Mike Outmesguine, as Chairman of the
Southern California Wireless Users Group (SOCALWUG), is organizing individuals and companies that would like to offer Broadband Wireless equipment, expertise, and support for the areas impacted by the recent earthquake and tsunami in Southern Asia. Links are for an initial posting on what Mike calls
Post-Tsunami Reconnect, and a
12/31/04 Progress Report.
Outmesguine's contact information is [email protected] and telephony 1-818-889-9445 ext. 102.
To date, smartBridges has pledged a donation of equipment to Post-Tsunami Reconnect.
Thanks to Glenn Fleishman, Wi-Fi Networking News, for the pointer to Outmesguine's efforts.
#2 - Relevant information from the isp-wireless mailing list:
(begin isp-wireless posting 1)
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [isp-wireless] Tsunami
Date: December 30, 2004 04:17:58 PST
To: [email protected]
Dear all,
The Indonesian Information Technology (IT) community wishes to facilitate the relief efforts to our brothers and sisters in Aceh (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, NAD), North Sumatra and other affected parts of the Indian Ocean which were badly hit by this disaster.
This community is supported by APJII (Indonesia Internet Service Provider Association), FTII (Indonesian Information Technology Federation), IndoWLI ( Indonesia Wireless LAN Internet Association), etc.
Contact information :
Deputy Coordinator 1: Ahmad Khalil Alkazimy (HP: +62-813-1608-5757 email:[email protected], YIM : ahmadkaz)
Internasional Affairs Advisor: Idris Sulaiman (HP: +62-811-11-1312 email:[email protected])
Thank for all people who participate , contribute and help.
(end isp-wireless posting 1)
(begin isp-wireless posting 2)
From: [email protected]
Subject: [isp-wireless] Tsunami relief
Date: December 31, 2004 07:38:00 PST
To: [email protected]
I have had a response from the the individuals listed at this website:
I am listing there equipment needs below.
- Electronic Generator Set, batteries AA-size rechargeable for Handy Talky VHF and the battery chargers (60 rechargable batteries and the battery packs)
- Additional Handy Talkies (5-10 units)
- 5-10 Notebook and Geographic Positioning System (Compas, Altimeter, Barometer)
- Cable RG8 VHF (for transmission radio/HT) minimal 30 meter and its connectors
- Power supply minimal 30A, 12 volt DC
- Repeater VHF with duplexer and antena omni directional high gain (standard)
- VSWR meter VHF/UHF
- HT VHF duplex mode and tone control
- antena HT mobile/for cars VHF and bracket + cable
- a pair of GHDSL modem (point to point mode)
- Converter DC to AC 300 - 500 watt
- Complete VSAT unit (ODU, IDU) with 2.4 m antena either DVB RCS or SCPC
- 2 - 5 pairs of wireless 2.4 ghz units complete with omni antenaes and parabolic grid and mounting plus cables, connectors, power over Ethernet dll. including outdoor box with amplifier (0,5 - 1 watt)
Please send equipment to:
Indonesia Information Technology and ISP Association (IITF - APJII) Office
Cyber Building 11th floor, Jl. Kuningan Barat No 8, Jakarta Selatan
12710 Indonesia
Phone: +62-2-5296 0634, Fax +62-21-5296 0635, email: [email protected]
(end isp-wireless posting 2)
#3 - Wireless Communications Association International (WCA) Convenes Meeting on January 13, 2005 To Discuss Communications Assistance to Tsunami-impacted Areas In Souther Asia
(begin WCA Press Release)
For Immediate Release
Contact: Olga Ranaweera
Email: [email protected]
1333 H Street, NW Suite 700 West
Washington, D.C. 20005
tel: 202-452-7823; fax: 202-452-0041
WCA Organizes Relief Effort For South Asia Disaster & Wireless Infrastructure Needs At Jan. 13 Meeting
WASHINGTON, DC (Dec. 29, 2004) – In response to the devastating earthquake and corresponding tsunamis in South Asia, the Wireless Communications Association International (WCA) announced organizational efforts within the wireless broadband industry leading to a meeting on Jan. 13 during WCA’s annual International Symposium and Business Expo in San Jose, CA.
The Jan. 13 meeting will foster industry efforts on immediate disaster relief, both monetary and in vitally needed equipment for First Responders. Participants also will help plan for longer-term infrastructure needs especially suited to the emerging capabilities of wireless broadband.
The Hon. Devinda Subasinghe, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the United States, commented on WCA’s goal:
The Embassy of Sri Lanka looks forward to working with WCA and its member companies on this critical initiative, which will support relief efforts and have a long-term impact on rehabilitation of the areas devastated by this natural disaster. The government of Sri Lanka will be examining the capabilities of wireless companies, both with gratitude and with understanding of our long-term infrastructure needs.
With a growing regional death toll now estimated at 80,000+, the 9.0 earthquake originating offshore near Sumatra in Indonesia created powerful tsunamis that devastated also shorefront areas of Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Malaysia and the Maldives, and as far away as Africa’s East Coast. This produced one of the world’s worst recent natural disasters. The island nation of Sri Lanka is one of the worst-afflicted countries, with over 23,000 killed and 1.5 million left homeless. More than 45,000 so far are reported dead in Indonesia in this unprecedented tragedy.
WCA’s meeting will leverage WCA members’ expertise into short-term and long-term relief. Short-term, industry leaders will organize a task force to raise money and to coordinate equipment donations for effective emergency deployment. Also, the task force will plan longer-term infrastructure advisory services for the region, building upon ongoing work within WCA’s Wireless Broadband Public Safety Task Force. It convenes bi-weekly conference calls, and is preparing a “Best Practices” guide helping First Responders increase their capabilities for challenges ranging from emergency warnings to critical post-event communications.
“Fast-response is exactly what both the public and its leaders expect from the wireless broadband industry,” commented WCA President Andrew Kreig. “This relief effort after the tragedy in South Asia is a logical outgrowth of the industry’s post-9/11 responses. Industry members were able then promptly to provide vital help for New York City and Washington, DC. Since then, an especially strong industry priority has been to foster advanced technologies that can help First Responders and underserved communities worldwide.”
WCA’s South Asia disaster organizational breakfast on Jan. 13 is at 7 a.m. at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, and is open to any interested potential volunteer and the press. For planning purposes, non-WCA members should RSVP to WCA’s Olga Ranaweera ([email protected]), who can provide also a VIP pass to the convention.
(end WCA Press Release)
#4 - Amateur Radio Involved In Emergency Communications For Tsunami-impacted Areas In Southern Asia
As could be expected, Amateur Radio Operators in the affected areas were able to provide emergency communications. The ARRL is a primary source of general information on Amateur Radio in the USA.
Indian Ham Radio Team Heads To Disaster Scene (Common Sense Technology)
Asian Radio Amateurs Bridging Communication Gap following Tsunami (ARRL)
Amateur Radio "Saved Lives" in South Asia (ARRL)
Winlink 2000 Helping with Southern Asia Disaster Communications (ARRL)
Nineteen mentions in Google News search for "Amateur Radio" and Tsunami
Some Groups That Potentially May Assist In Re-establishing Communications Infrastructure In Tsunami-impacted Areas Of Southern Asia
"CommGeeks Without Borders"
In an 2002 article I mentioned "CommGeeks Without Borders", and my memory is that the mission of the group is a good fit for the communications needs of the tsunami-impacted areas. Unfortunately the link in that article no longer works, and I was unable to find any other reference to this group. Any help would be appreciated.
Engineers Without Borders / Ingénieurs Sans Frontières
Reading the various Engineers Without Borders sites, the organization(s) provide long term development assistance and are not organized for, nor are attempting to, provide immediate services in the Tsunami-impacted areas. Given their overall mission, it see
seems likely that they will be involved in longer-term communications restoration projects.
Engineers Without Borders International
Engineers Without Borders USA
Engineers Without Borders Canada
Geeks Without Borders
No mention of Tsunami Relief... or much information at all, but from what little I can glean, Geeks Without Borders would seem to be an organization that might potentially become involved in communications work in the tsunami-impacted areas.
Partners In Technology International
While there is no mention at present on the PACTEC web page of a specific response to the recent tsunami in Southern Asia, Partners In Technology (PACTEC) is an international organization that provides aviation and communications support (including impressive capabilities with satellite communications) to non-governmental agencies and organizations in developing and disaster areas. PACTEC's capabilities are obviously a good fit for communications needs of the tsunami-impacted areas.
Volunteers In Technical Assistance (VITA)
Like Engineers Without Borders, the primary mission of Volunteers In Technical Assistance (VITA) is long term projects. There was no specific mention of tsunami relief on the VITA web page.
Update: Yet Another Group That Potentially May Assist...
Geekcorps (likely the group that I mentioned above as "CommGeeks Without Borders") is recruiting volunteers that have experience with Wi-Fi to work in West Africa. Again, there was no specific mention of tsunami relief on their web page.
Steve Stroh
Copyright © 2005 by Steve Stroh, except for identified excerpts from other sources.