While there's vastly increased interest about Broadband Wireless Internet Access, I feel that there is a absolute dearth of good content on the subject of BWIA and WiMAX. Most of what passes for stories about BWIA and WiMAX are barely-warmed-over press releases or breathless boosterism about "the next big wireless thing" or, worst, blatant manipulation trying to succor investment and boost stock prices. Given that, I think there's room once again for quality, in-depth, and especially Independent coverage of the Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX industry and related fields.
In this new phase of my writing career, the majority of my writing will be for a group of highly-focused blogs that I will be developing about various aspects of Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX and a few other select technology topics. Not only have a few independent blogs become accepted as sources of quality, independent perspective and breaking news, but blog publishing systems and services have vastly improved in functionality, allowing me to be highly effective while independently publishing multiple blogs.
As a popular and widely-read analyst on the Broadband Wireless Internet Access industry, I invite companies and organizations to advertise on this and my other blogs as they are developed. As each new blog is developed, I will report it here. Early advertisers will be given preferential rates; please contact us for more details.
In addition to my writing, I am again available to consult on Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX and I will likely be a speaker at several upcoming conferences relating to Broadband Wireless Internet Access.
Wishing my readers a productive and prosperous 2007,
Steve Stroh