I have completed an update of all of our Stroh Publications LLC Reference sites (except "Calendar") into a non-blog format more suitable for such information, and much, much easier to maintain. All of the Reference sites are free resources for the Broadband Wireless Internet Access industry. I've also added a number of new Reference sites.
A special note about "Books" - that list has a long way to go to even catch up with the BWIA-related tomes that are sitting on my important "within-a-chair-swivel-and-arm's-reach" reference bookshelf. The new format makes it easier to update "Books", so I hope to commence that effort soon and catch up with the dozen-plus books that I think urgently belong on this list.
But I also want to hear from you readers - what books related to Broadband Wireless Internet Access do you think belong on this list? Would you be willing to write a brief review? (You'll certainly be credited).
"Professionals", one of the new Reference sites, features the following categories:
- Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX Analysts (technical and business),
- Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX Attorneys (legal and regulatory issues),
- Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX Consultants (techical and business),
- Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX Marketing and Public Relations,
- Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX Training
- Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX Writers, Reporters, and Bloggers,
Now that all of the reference blogs are much, much easier to maintain, I plan to update them continuously as I encounter relevant information.
Lastly, the Reference sites use a new feature from TypePad called "Pages" and I don't yet know how the RSS feeds or FeedBlitz email option will work (if at all) to pick up incremental changes to these blogs. Even if RSS and FeedBlitz doesn't work at all, I don't expect that to be a major problem as I expect people to consult the reference pages on an as-needed basis and not really care about periodic, incremental changes.
By Steve Stroh
This article is Copyright © 2007 by Steve Stroh