« Sprint Nextel and Clearwire to Partner to Accelerate and Expand the Deployment of the First Nationwide Mobile Broadband Network Using WiMAX Technology | Main | My (Continuing) Take On Sprint / Nextel And Clearwire »

July 19, 2007


henry buehler

today sprint nextel to partner with clearwire for wimax. wednesday sprint made master service agreement with ZTE corp to buy wixax customer gear. Could both statements be true ?
I think the partnering statements are more likely to be true then any statements about equipment.
I should be working on homework for my networking class


Steve, thanks for all you do. I very much enjoy your work!

Patrick Leary, Alvarion (aka the 'Chief Evangelist')

You'll certainly get a hardy "Amen!" from this corner Steve. Thank you for your continued contribution and vision.

- Patrick

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  • About Steve Stroh

    In 1996, I was fascinated to discover that providing Internet Access via license-exempt wireless technologies was not only possible, but being done routinely by a small band of pioneering Internet Service Providers.

    By mid-1997, I was writing professionally about Broadband Wireless Internet Access (BWIA) as a monthly columnist in Boardwatch Magazine.

    In 2000, I began writing about BWIA full time in my own blogs, for numerous other publications, and my own subscription newsletter.

    From 2008 - 2015, I took a hiatus from writing about BWIA, but my interest in BWIA did not wane. From 2016 - 2020 I worked to resume writing full time.

    More on my bio page.

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