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September 29, 2008



Hi Steve - I've been in the University Village Apple Store several times too - albeit because of a daughter who is a student at the University. While that store is normally crowded, I suspect you were there during the first week of classes at the UW - when "really crowded" is an understatement! But you are correct that the U-District store always has many people browsing products and the staff have always provided my daughter with great service in resolving problems (which in her case was hardware).

And certainly the good customer service there is in a different planetary system as compared to the poor service one gets at a typical Big Box PC retailer.


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  • About Steve Stroh

    In 1996, I was fascinated to discover that providing Internet Access via license-exempt wireless technologies was not only possible, but being done routinely by a small band of pioneering Internet Service Providers.

    By mid-1997, I was writing professionally about Broadband Wireless Internet Access (BWIA) as a monthly columnist in Boardwatch Magazine.

    In 2000, I began writing about BWIA full time in my own blogs, for numerous other publications, and my own subscription newsletter.

    From 2008 - 2015, I took a hiatus from writing about BWIA, but my interest in BWIA did not wane. From 2016 - 2020 I worked to resume writing full time.

    More on my bio page.

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