In the past two decades, my electronic contacts list has become clogged with thousands of old contacts, rendering it practically unusable, especially since it's synched to my mobile computer and on that device it's tough to find the contact I need. This occurred mostly as an unfortunate choice to couple the contact list with my email system, causing every email I received during that time in the early 2000s to create a new contact. Doubly unfortunate because I used that email account to participate in a number of email mailing lists (reflectors).
My big project this week is to purge those old contacts. A lot of my old contacts were from now-vanished Broadband Wireless Internet Access (BWIA) companies, some which I remember very fondly. I thought it would be interesting to revisit them. Only one, Airspan Networks, shows signs of life. Here's Part 1.
5G Wireless - (domain squatter) - Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2006-03
Advanced Radio Telecom - (no server) - Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2000-06
Airdata WIMAN Systems - (no server) - Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2000-02
Airpath Wireless - (redirects) - Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2004-06
Airspan Networks - - still going! Well, kind-of.
Airspeed Wireless - (redirects) - Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2006-06
AirWave Wireless - (redirects) - Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2006-06
Alvarion - (error establishing a database connection) - Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2006-06
Aperto Networks - (domain squatter) - Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2006-06
Azonic Systems - - (no server) - Internet Archive Wayback Machine 2006-06
Note to self - these are all Post Ls.
Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh
Bellingham, Washington, USA