The genesis of my knowledge of Broadband Wireless Internet Access (BWIA) began in the late 1980s as I became an Amateur Radio Operator (N8GNJ) concurrent with the emergence of Packet Radio in Amateur Radio. In time I began using TCP/IP over Amateur Packet Radio, and came to understand the concepts of TCP/IP (Internet) over wireless technology (radio). The hands-on experience I got from that experimentation of TCP/IP over radio proved invaluable as a "mental model" in trying to understand the many technologies I encountered and wrote about.
One example I'm really fond of was interviewing Marty Cooper (blog post yet to be written).
In 1996, I was fascinated to discover that providing Internet Access via wireless technologies was not only possible, but being done routinely by a small band of pioneering Internet Service Providers. At the time I was also an avid reader of Boardwatch Magazine which was chronicling the emergence of the commercial Internet, and especially the new concept of providing Internet access to the public. I dropped a note to Boardwatch Magazine that they should be covering this "Internet access via Wireless" trend, and if they couldn't find someone to write about it, I'd be willing to try. A few weeks after that letter, I came home to an excited wife who waved a phone number for me to call a Boardwatch editor to discuss how fast I could get my first column to them.
By mid-1997, I was writing professionally about Broadband Wireless Internet Access (BWIA), first as a monthly columnist in Boardwatch Magazine.
In 2000, I began writing about BWIA full time in Boardwatch, numerous other publications, and eventually my own blogs and FOCUS On Broadband Wireless Internet Access, my subscription newsletter.
From 2008 - 2015, I took a hiatus from writing about BWIA, but my interest in BWIA did not wane. In 2016, I was able to consider resuming writing full time, and I formed Zero Retries to publish a family of subscription newsletters about Broadband Internet Access using various wireless technologies. In 2021 I was able to resume writing.
A more extensive bio is available at
My public email address is first name dot last name at the Google email service.
Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh
Bellingham, Washington, USA
This page last updated 2020-03-16