I've been writing about the evolution of Broadband Wireless Internet Access for a decade now, and I view the emergence of Clearwire to be a seminal development. I've covered Clearwire since before its rebirth in 2004 at the hand of Craig McCaw. I even wrote a special issue of my newsletter, FOCUS On Broadband Wireless Internet Access, that "outed" Clearwire about a month before it became public in June, 2004.
I feel that Clearwire will have a major impact on the evolution of the Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX industry; certainly here in the US, but also many other markets worldwide. For those reasons, I've felt that the time is right for a blog focused on Clearwire - the Independent Clearwire Blog.
I'll be shifting the vast majority of my writing about Clearwire there, where I'll continue to offer an experienced, independent perspective focused solely on Clearwire, exceptions being to provide context on Clearwire's place within, and influence upon, the larger Broadband Wireless Internet Access industry. If you'd like to read (mostly) about the bigger picture of the Broadband Wireless Internet Access industry, please continue to read this blog - Broadband Wireless Internet Access / WiMAX blog. Or, preferably, read both - via RSS, email, or just add them both to your bookmarks.
In writing about Clearwire, there and here over the years, I'm completely independent of Clearwire - I have no affiliation or association with Clearwire, formal or informal other than that I am a pay-full-price, retail-over-the-counter customer of their service in the Seattle area so that I can offer a real-world user's perspective. Clearwire is headquartered here in the Seattle area, so I hope to offer "up close" perspective about how Clearwire is performing in their biggest market to date, as well as linking to "home town" coverage from journalists that cover the company.
Although I've considered Independent Clearwire Blog to have been in stealth mode for some months now, it's actually been found surprisingly often by Google searches for Clearwire. I say "stealth mode" because it was never quite ready, and I still consider it not nearly as ready as I'd like it. One thing that I did finish was porting the major articles about Clearwire that I've written on BWIANews. But not all - I've written about Clearwire quite a bit on BWIANews over the years, as the Google Search Widget reveals.
But the impetus for launching now is that Clearwire is continually evolving, and its latest news - its biggest yet, about "cooperating" with Sprint / Nextel on their upcoming Mobile WiMAX services, tells me it's time for the Independent Clearwire Blog to now emerge into public.
Please let me know what you think about the Independent Clearwire Blog, either by private email (steve (at) stevestroh (dot) net or by commenting there.
By Steve Stroh
This article is Copyright © 2007 by Steve Stroh. Excerpts and links are expressly permitted (and encouraged.)